IMAGINE when you look back on 2024 and you realise it was the year
Everything finally started to work and fall into place …just as you imagined.
You are finally REAPING THE REWARDS of escaping the corporate world
You have scaled to 6 or multiple 6 figures, perhaps even 7 figures, and have financial independence.
You wake up fully alive, fully aligned and fulfilled everyday as you are doing what you love and getting paid generously for it.
You are fully booked with dream clients who are finding their way to you without you having to be a slave to social media.
You finally had that dream holiday with your family…the one where you could relax, switch off and have fun as you knew you had regular sales and money coming in whilst you are sipping cocktails.
You finally have the FREEDOM that fuelled you to become an entrepreneur in the first place.
You have to pinch yourself daily as you feel so much gratitude and joy for the business and RICH life you have created.
2024 was the year you stepped into the version of yourself that was already holding everything you desired – you just had to claim it
2024 was the year YOU followed your dreams and faced your fears with ease.
How does it feel?
For those of you that read this and could already feel and believe the picture in your mind, the reality is already yours waiting to unfold ….once you claim it, tune into it and take the leap
For those of you who read this and had …
A ‘BIG BUT’ come up...
Or a
Bloody hell if I hear another coach or mentor try to sell me this dream I’m going to go mad because ….
“I’m doing everything to get there and already worked with the best coaches and mentors …. it’s just not working for me and I DON’T KNOW WHY!”
(BTW- this used to be me)
Then this is the mentorship container for you!
Here's why...
Because all of the women in this container have felt exactly the same at one point in their business.
We have all felt frustrated
We have all felt stuck
We all searched for the next greatest strategy that would magically turn our businesses round
Until …
Sound familiar?
I’ve been there and so have most women I work with.
But here’s a very hard lesson we all learnt along our journey…
Why we work on Mindset, Energetics & Strategy
Mindset & energetics
Your mindset, emotions, and beliefs ultimately determine your results in your business and life without you even knowing it.
The great news is that you can upgrade your beliefs, change your mindset, and master your emotions so that they become a powerful inner guidance system.
If you want to create mind blowing results and you’re ready to make shifts and quantum leaps in your life, this is where it always starts —the inside job.
Your energetics is the frequency in which you currently operate in and what you are open and ready to receive. This includes success, money, ideal clients and so much more.
If you’ve been struggling to create the results you’d like in your business, it’s likely you have been focusing on conventional business strategies, but leaving out the most critical component. YOUR ENERGY!
Coming from a corporate background where it is very strategy focused this is the most common block to success I see, including my own success in the few years of my business.
Business Strategy
When you master your mindset, beliefs and energetics first then we can create the right strategy for your business.
Hard truth — Strategy is a necessity in business, but the truth is it’s the mindset and energetics you put behind the strategy that will determine how well it will work FOR YOU and your business.
If you want to break through to next level success, abundance, and fulfilment you simply can’t separate the worlds of strategy, energetics and mindset.
Take it from someone who taught sales strategy for over 16 years and experienced it in my own business ….strategies will only take you so far and will comfortably take you to five figures and even your first six figure year ….
But if you want to get to multi six figures and beyond you need a fusion of energetics, mindset and strategy in an environment where you can calibrate to your next level frequency for success.
Think about your journey in life and business so far…how much time and money have you invested in honing the right strategy V the right energetics?
I created the Leaders and Legends mentoring container as it’s the container I wish I had of been able to find on my own journey.
One container that has a fusion of strategy, mindset, and energetics all in one carefully curated calibration portal.
Still reading?
Then you are meant to be here so let me share with you what we will co create and experience in our next 6 months together…
Our Leaders & Legends Live Experience At A Glance
Inside this close proximity mentorship experience we will work together on 4 key areas:
You, Your Mindset & Energetics
By the end of this experience, you will discover that it wasn’t a new strategy, trend or tactic that you were missing in your business – it was you! You were the missing piece all along and that’s why we start with you first.
It’s who you show up as in your business.
It’s the women and the frequency behind the business.
It’s why you are in business and desire incredible success.
It’s the fire in your soul
It’s your inner mental game, your identity, your beliefs and your mindset.
It’s your ability to receive and hold more
It’s your ability to hold yourself through the high highs and low lows every entrepreneur experiences
It’s how you lead yourself in your business
By being in this mentorship experience I guide you to step into your own personal power so that you can master your mindset and your mental agility, expand your capacity to hold more clients and wealth and experience an identity and energetic upgrade that will place you on a frequency of inevitable success empowering you to make the income you desire and make and an even bigger impact.
Your Life’s Work & Million $ Masterpiece
You were put on this planet with a purpose, a personal legend, a gift and mission to fulfil. Within this experience we not only identify your gifts, we incorporate and embody it into your life’s work and create a masterpiece which will leave you feel so connected, fulfilled and inspired by the work you are doing and the impact you are making.
We will leverage the work from your past and build on it to align it to your souls calling, we will leave what is no longer serving you behind and lean into what is so that you feel fully alive and aligned in your business again.
We will then find and tap into your true authentic voice and the unique impact you make so that we can transform your mission into a truly empowering signature story, aligned brand and six, seven, eight figure framework and offer that will magnetically attract your soul aligned clients and the income you desire.
Your Business strategy
And finally, once we have created the life that you want and the legacy you want to leave we will begin to strategically re-align your business model to suit the lifestyle and income you desire so that you have the means to live a fulfilled and financially abundant life centred around family first, and a sustainable business model that will grow and scale with you so that when grow and evolve, which you will, your business can easily grow and evolve with you.
Last, and what you will find surprisingly least in this space, is building out your sales and soul aligned marketing strategy. Least because I can assure, as someone who has taught sales strategy for 16 years. It’s the mindset and energetics you put behind the strategy that will determine the results you get.
Your Environment
“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower” Alexander Den Heijer.
If you want to achieve mind blowing results you need to surround yourself with people already achieving incredible results, if you want to be the best you need to surround yourself with the best and if you want to be a leader in your industry you need to pull yourself a chair up at the same table that other industry leaders and legends sit at.
Why, so that you can calibrate to same level, you can swim in the same frequency and learn from those who went first.
Being in the right mentorship spaces isn’t just about getting the right support, it’s a gateway to exponential growth and wealth and a path where you will walk shoulder to shoulder towards the journey of feeling fully alive and aligned in your business again whilst also stepping into financial abundance.
This carefully curated space is your haven to calibrate and celebrate and a sacred space where you will be held by a sisterhood that will always have your back so that you are always support and never feel alone in business again.
Years on your own or 6 months in my mentorship
The Experience Includes 9 Hybrid Masterclass & Masterminds
Our hybrid experiences are designed to transform your business approach, energetics and mindset. Each session includes a 60–90-minute masterclass that I personally teach and is followed by a separate mastermind element with a live Q&A as information doesn’t mean a thing without integration.
The masterclass element is meticulously designed to provide a holistic and immersive learning journey that will support you developing the core business skills needed to reach multi six figures and beyond and are the catalyst that will enable you have a complete mindset & energetic upgrade.
Our mastermind element will enable you to embody the learning, integrate and implement it into your business and get hands on support on the journey.
Teach + Implement + Embody = Rapid Results
sneak peak into forthcoming masterminds
A RICH Life Virtual Retreat
Value $2222
Build your business model & strategy around the RICH life you desire
The Million $ Masterpiece™
Value $5555
Turn your wisdom into your wealth & life’s work into your legacy.
Legends In The Making ™
Value $3333
Tuning into the woman and frequency behind the masterpiece and brand so that you can take a quantum success leap.
The Energetic Buyer™
Value $2222
Becoming an energetic match for your ideal clients – how to attract dream buyers, get visible & consistent.
Speak To $ell System™
Value $3333
How to craft, present and deliver your signature story, offering and transformation.
Soul Aligned $elling™
Value $2222
Success codes for selling in alignment (without being a slave to social media)
The Freedom Formula™
Value $1111
Discover the 9 steps of quantum leaping in the life of FREEDOM you desire
The Million $caling Method™
Value $2222
How to quantum scale your family led, freedom seeking and impact driven business
Generational W.E.A.L.T.H Codes™
Value $2222
How to show not tell your children how to live a RICH life
Total Value - $21 000
Bi-Weekly Hot Seat Mastermind Mentoring with Fiona
Monthly Online C.E.O Days - Guided CEO days to Calibrate & Embody & Get Out of Your Head
Friday ‘wine down with Fi’, on the last Friday of every month to celebrate milestones achieved.
A private Facebook group and community
Quarterly Guest Expert Sessions
Optional 1:1 private mentorship
Like a fine wine this experience develops and matures over time and will bring a unique and rare blend of emotional mastery, energetics, manifestation, mindset and wealth creation, feminine leadership, identity work, nervous system regulation, business strategy and sales and marketing all into one high vibe container and with one mentor who has already been where you are.
The Intangibles...
By the end of this truly
transformative experience…
You will feel rejuvenated.
You will feel more present, more alive and aligned than ever before
You will get UNSTUCK
You will have the greatest identity & energetic upgrade of your life
You will have crystal clear clarity on your desires and the path forward
Your entrepreneurial fire will be re-ignited and will spread like wildfire.
You will feel re-born and re-vitalized
You feel more connected to your work than ever before
Your money mindset will catapult to dreamy levels of abundance
You will make the bold moves you need to with complete confidence
You will feel held, understood, supported and will never feel alone again
The Tangibles
You will also
walk away with
A Roadmap to take the QUATUM ALIGNMENT LEAPS in your life and business.
A Million $ Masterpiece of your life’s work
A Signature Story that will magnetically attract the right clients for you
A Signature Offer Suite that you will be able to ENERGETICALLY BACK LIKE A NINJA
A Soul Aligned Sales Strategy designed around your strengths and gifts
A business model & family first financial freedom framework that will give you:
A Multi Six Figure Scaling Strategy design to gain RAPID GROWTH & A RICH LIFE based on Freedom, Family, Fulfilment and Financial Abundance.
The CODES to creating true generational wealth for your children, for their children & to leave a lasting legacy
The Investment In You & Your Future
Here’s what you need to know
about me as your mentor
Hey legend in the making!
The first thing you need to know about me is that I have been where you are right now.
I left a very successful career in the corporate world because I didn’t want to choose between my child and my career. As a single mum, taking that leap back in 2007, was the scariest but best decision of my life.
Since then, I set up a multi-six figure sales training and consultancy business, I’ve developed 3 sales training methodologies that have generated millions in revenue over my 16 years as a sales trainer, won 5 international awards for, ‘Best Training Program’, became a #1 Best Selling Author and a multi award winning speaker.
BTW- I did this with no website, no employees, a very small audience and without being a slave to social media – something I will also be teaching you how to do in this container.
Today I live with a full heart and with immense gratitude as my business and every leap I took give me the freedom and flexibility to live a very fulfilled life and the financial abundance to give my son the best start in life.
Fast forward to today, my sales training business runs on autopilot and my son has flown the nest which gives me more time to do more of what I’m truly passionate about and what I love …. mentoring and illuminating the path for likeminded family first female entrepreneurs.
Why I created Leaders & Legends
For many years I have had so many likeminded female entrepreneurs ask me to create a mentoring container to help them on a similar journey but in truth whilst my son was still at school my time with him was my priority, so I wanted to wait until I had the capacity to hold space for the women within this container.
As my son Jamie is now at university and has flown the nest that time has now come so I’m super excited to launch our new mentorship container, Leaders & Legends.
This is an exclusive mentorship community for ambitious, driven and high achieving women and a container that has a fusion of Strategy, Energetics, and Mindset: Combining practical business strategies with energetic alignment and mindset shifts to facilitate rapid growth and holistic success. A container I wish I could of found on my own journey.
It is also a scared space where you are held whilst taking the quantum leap into the fully alive and aligned life and business you desire with freedom, fulfilment, financial abundance and a lasting legacy for your children, but in 6 months years rather than the 16 years it took me.
Our shared vision within Leaders & Legends is to strategically and energetically take the quantum leaps to build a business around a RICH LIFE not the other way around, to create generational wealth for our children and the next generations to come and to leave a legacy. Every move we make is firmly rooted in showing, not telling, our children how to live a fully alive and aligned life.
Ready To Take A Quantum Leap?
She who leads herself, her family and leaves a lasting legacy
If this resonates and you are also a mum who goes first, we would love to walk with you on what will be the journey of a lifetime.
Come and join us.
My vision for you and all of the women I work with
A woman who is fully ALIVE & ALIGNED in her life and business.
A woman who is financially free.
A woman who has complete time freedom.
A woman who has mastered both her mind and her energy.
A woman who strategically builds her business around a
RICH LIFE not the other way around.
A woman who is fully tapped into her purpose and her calling and has turned her wisdom into her wealth.
A woman who is limitless, loves what she does and is unstoppable.
A woman who fully owns her truth and is confident in all of who she is.
A woman who is building a business that becomes a generational wealth creation machine for her family.
A woman who leads herself, her family & leaves a lasting legacy
Who this high level container is for
It’s for the self-led and soul led women who won’t settle for less
It’s for those who are ready for next level conversations
It’s for those who are ready to step into the field of possibility
For those who are ready for exponential personal and professional growth
It’s for the no matter what mums who WILL make their business work around their family
It’s for those who trust in themselves and can leap without needing to see the next 10 steps.
It’s for those who are ready to embrace new beginnings and get ready for your next exciting chapter of their life and business.
For those who are willing to take a bet on themselves because they have a deep inner knowing that they are meant for more
It’s for those who have had enough of watching everyone else thriving whilst they feel like they are just surviving
It’s for those who think ‘who will I become when I take the leap’ not just ‘what will I get’
It’s for this who from the outside looking in their life and business look great but inside they feel unfilled and are ready to quantum leap into doing more of what they love
It’s for those who feel way outside their comfort zones but they are still willing to leap with us into the real work which will then become the rocket fuel behind every strategy and catapult your business to levels you could only imagine.
We joined in July and by January we TRIPLED the % of RECURRING REVENUE in our service-based business by implementing what we learned in the program! Thank you Fiona !
– A.Dean
Fiona’s mentorship program has fundamentally changed my business in ways I never thought imaginable! Many of the initiatives have helped me to define new service offerings, create bundle offers and develop new lead generation strategies. Highly recommended!
– V. Jauhal
What a wonderful group! Fiona thanks for inviting me be part of your world. Kudos on putting together such a powerful programme!
– R Tubb
Fiona led by example. She was a force to be reckoned with and taught me so much. She is hungry and always pushing to bring out the best in me. She highlighted key principles to work by, many which I still use today and find very useful. She made me feel that I could achieve anything I put my mind to!
– S. Shine
Fiona is an excellent leader, coach and motivator who is both driven and focussed and has a great passion for what she does. She is a good listener and is extremely adaptable with a great flair for business. With her bright and energetic personality, Fiona is extremely skilled at making being in business fun whilst getting the job done
– O. Smart
Thank you, Fiona, our entire team have been completely re-energised by this program! Every session was packed full of content, and I found the mastermind element and working with other service-based business owners in the program so valuable!
– P. Strahan
Fiona I just want to thank you for our session. It really helped me to understand so much
about myself. I still listen to my transformational recording most days as your energy is truly
amazing!! Every time I listen I get the most infectious belief in myself. I can’t thank you
– V. Aga
Awesome to be a part of the journey with this amazing cohort! Fiona your mentoring program is an absolute MUST for all service-based businesses. Thanks so much for letting me join!
– S. Riley
WOW!!! I had a fantastic day with Fiona Challis yesterday who was on FIRE!!! I’ve 6 pages of plans and ready to implement them into my business. Loved your stories and will always remember THE FRED FACTOR. Let our actions show our gratitude
– Mazi Mazibuko
Fiona I just want to thank you for our session. It really helped me to understand so much
about myself. I still listen to my transformational recording most days as your energy is truly
amazing!! Every time I listen I get the most infectious belief in myself. I can’t thank you
– J. Lind
Absolutely brilliant day! I’m completely changing the way we talk to existing and new clients around our offerings. Would highly recommend any service-based business out there who are serious about growing their business to engage with you Fiona!
– J. Miller
Frequently asked questions
We are all mothers to someone, whether it be our own children, nieces or nephews, others children or even furry friends. This container is for all female entrepreneurs. It has simply been designed by me – a single mother with a passion for being a role model to my son and creating a family first, freedom based business.
Yes, all sessions will be separate and recorded.
You will have access to the recordings for 12 months from when you start.
Yes, this is an evergreen container so you can join at any time and catch up on any modules you may have missed in our facebook group.
Join the list and be the first to know about new posts, free resources and offerings.
the vip list