4 Day Transformational Experience With Business Growth Strategist, Mindset & Energetics Extraordinaire, Fiona Challis

RE-ALIGN your life – RE-INVENT your business – RE-WRITE your story

1st – 4th July 3 pm BST


You’ve taken the leap from a high-level corporate role into the rollercoaster world of entrepreneurship in fields such as coaching, consulting, mentoring, training, or speaking and …​

You want to scale your business to multi-six and seven figures so that you have FINANCIAL STABILITY

You crave more wealth, more clients, more impact without it impacting your FREEDOM & FAMILY TIME

You want to feel more connected, FULFILLED, and passionate about your life’s work again – doing more of what you truly love, making a difference and an even bigger impact

You’ve been through a period of huge personal growth and want to realign your business and your life’s work with WHO YOU ARE TODAY

You’re at a critical growth stage and are ready to make a quantum leap in both your personal and professional life

You want to feel FULLY ALIVE and ALIGNED in your life and business again.


I hear you.

But here’s the good news …..

You are NOT STUCK; You are simply OUT OF ALIGNMENT.

The feeling you’re wrestling with and desires you have are actually a positive sign.

A signpost for a next level and a catalyst that can propel you into a WHOLE NEW ERA of your life and business —

If you’re ready to take the QUANTUM ALIGNMENT LEAP

1st – 4th July, 2024; 3 pm BST

Trust me, I’ve felt exactly the same way but now I recognise these uncomfortable feelings as a nudge for the universe telling me this is your time…

Time for YOU to uplevel

Time to EVOLVE  

Time to LEAP!

RE-ALIGN your life – RE-INVENT your business – RE-WRITE your story 

In my 16-year journey as a multi-six-figure entrepreneur, I have re-aligned my life and re-invented my business 3 times and each time it brought with it not just a welcome change that re-ignited my inner flame, it catapulted me into EXTRAORDINARY LEVELS of growth.

This is a time for HUGE RAPID GROWTH and an invitation for you to create the RICH LIFE you desire; however, this is also when most entrepreneurs get tested the most.

They find themselves stuck in moments of overwhelm and doubt:

‘Can I do it?’

‘It’s too much’

‘Maybe this isn’t meant for me?’

‘I can’t see the HOW or the next step’ 

And they stay stuck in their heads and at their current level – which you will learn in the masterclass is most likely your safe and predictable income level and what you are currently open to receiving.

These moments of doubt are a natural part of the entrepreneurial journey

But when they arise, remember, you have a choice:


Give up?

Continue playing small?

Go back into corporate?

Or step into your NEW ERA.

Where you can embrace new beginnings and get ready for your next exciting chapter of your life and business.

1st – 4th July, 2024; 3 pm BST

Here’s the thing.

The path of entrepreneurship is anything but straightforward.

It’s a journey marked by plot twists and turns, new chapters, and essential pivots.

Markets change, landscapes shift and our client needs evolve, and so must we.

As entrepreneurs and leaders, we are also always growing and evolving … What lit our soul on fire last year might not have the same effect this year and that’s OK… I mean imagine Taylor Swift only singing the one song for the rest of her life!

As parents our priorities change when our families grow and evolve so we must also allow our businesses to evolve as we stepped on this path to create more freedom and family time not a trap to stay stuck in

We are on a journey of growth and evolution making reinvention and realignment not just beneficial; it’s necessary. 

So give yourself permission to pivot

Allow yourself to course correct and get back on the path that leads you to rapid growth and the rich life you dream off for you and for your family. 

Take the leap without being able to see all of the steps……


Your first leap is to come and join me in my BRAND NEW MASTERCLASSES 

1st – 4th July, 2024; 3 pm BST

“You’re either someone who almost had the life and business you desired, or you ALIGN to become the person who actually has it all and write the story as you wish it to be told”

- Fiona Challis

1st – 4th July, 2024; 3 pm BST

Here’s what we will work on together in this 4-day transformational masterclass


Day 1:

Re-Align Your Life

Let’s light up your life from the inside out, elevate your mindset, beliefs and identity, fall in love with your life and business again so that you wake up inspired and excited every day to make the impact you know you were put on this planet for.

Day 2:

Re-Align with your life’s work

You will feel fully alive & fulfilled as you are in full alignment with your unique soul calling and in turn will magnetically attract the soul-aligned clients you were destined to share your gifts with.

Day 3:

Re-Invent your business model and strategy

You will catapult your growth and become an energetic match for the 6, 7, 8 figure business you desire however you will also receive a currency way beyond money on day 4 …

Day 4:

Re-Write the story to live the life you desire and leave a lasting legacy

A RICH LIFE, Freedom, an inner knowing you are on the right path, feeling centred and grounded, and sense of inner peace, happiness, and joy as you build your family’s first business that becomes a generational wealth creation machine for your family.

Throughout the 4 days I will introduce you to strategic, mindset, and energetic alignment shifts I made in my own business to catapult my growth and my client’s growth.

1st – 4th July, 2024; 3 pm BST

By the end of this truly transformative experience…

You will feel REJUVENATED

You will feel more ALIVE and ALIGNED than ever before 

You will get UNSTUCK

You will have Clarity

Your entrepreneurial fire will be re-ignited and will spread like wildfire. 

You will feel re-born and re-vitalized

You will have a blueprint to take a QUANTUM ALIGNMENT LEAP In your life and business.

This isn’t just a Masterclass, It's a Renaissance.

It’s an invitation to step into

A WHOLE NEW ERA of your life and business!

Are you ready to claim your NEW ERA?

1st – 4th July, 2024; 3 pm BST

Who is this masterclass for?

The brave who have escaped or want to escape the corporate matrix

The family first and freedom-seeking entrepreneurs.

The visionary leaders and legends

The change makers and cycle breakers

The trailblazers and innovators

The dreamers and believers

The self-led and soul-led

What have you got to lose?

You can either stay stuck.


Resenting your business.

Feeling chained to a job you’ve created for yourself.

Or you can take a quantum leap with me …….

1st – 4th July, 2024; 3 pm BST

New to my world?

I’m Fiona Challis, a single mum who left a very successful career in the corporate world because I didn’t want to choose between my child and my career. Taking that leap back in 2007 was the scariest but best decision of my life. 

Since then, I set up a leading sales training and consultancy business, I’ve developed 3 sales training methodologies that have generated millions in revenue over 16 years, and won 5 international awards for, the ‘Best Training Program’. 

My friends, colleagues, and clients call me ‘The Queen of Quantum Leaps’ as I’ve had 3 re-inventions in my business to re-align with my life and what I want to achieve…..of course my family thought I was crazy in each and every leap I took, but they all paid off. They still can’t explain what I do. 

Today I live with a full heart and with immense gratitude as that business and every leap I took give me the freedom, and flexibility to be fully present for my son, live a very fulfilled life, and have the financial abundance to give my son the best educational start in life. 

Fast forward to today, my sales training business runs on autopilot and my son has flown the nest which gives me more time to do more of what I’m truly passionate about and what I love …. mentoring and illuminating the path for likeminded family first female entrepreneurs to strategically and energetically take the quantum leaps to build a business around a RICH LIFE based on Freedom, Family, Fulfilment and Financial Abundance, not the other way around, and to create generational wealth for their children.

For Me, For You, For Our Children, For Their Children

New to my world?

I’m Fiona Challis, a single mum who left a very successful career in the corporate world because I didn’t want to choose between my child and my career. Taking that leap back in 2007 was the scariest but best decision of my life. 

Since then, I set up a leading sales training and consultancy business, I’ve developed 3 sales training methodologies that have generated millions in revenue over 16 years, and won 5 international awards for, the ‘Best Training Program’. 

My friends, colleagues, and clients call me ‘The Queen of Quantum Leaps’ as I’ve had 3 re-inventions in my business to re-align with my life and what I want to achieve…..of course my family thought I was crazy in each and every leap I took, but they all paid off. They still can’t explain what I do. 

Today I live with a full heart and with immense gratitude as that business and every leap I took give me the freedom, and flexibility to be fully present for my son, live a very fulfilled life, and have the financial abundance to give my son the best educational start in life. 

Fast forward to today, my sales training business runs on autopilot and my son has flown the nest which gives me more time to do more of what I’m truly passionate about and what I love …. mentoring and illuminating the path for likeminded family first female entrepreneurs to strategically and energetically take the quantum leaps to build a business around a RICH LIFE based on Freedom, Family, Fulfilment and Financial Abundance, not the other way around, and to create generational wealth for their children.

For Me, For You, For Our Children, For Their Children

I’m living proof that it’s never too late to

RE-ALIGN your life

RE-INVENT your business

RE-WRITE your life’s story


Even in mid-life!

So if you are ready to leap with us there is a seat with your name on it in this masterclass.

It’s Your Time To Claim Your NEW ERA

1st – 4th July, 2024; 3 pm BST

It’s your time to shine, to rise, and to rewrite the rules of your life and business.

I look forward to seeing you on the inside.

Fiona Challis


We joined in July and by January we TRIPLED the % of RECURRING REVENUE in our service-based business by implementing what we learned in the program! Thank you Fiona! – A. Dean

– A. Dean

Fiona’s mentorship program has fundamentally changed my business in ways I never thought imaginable! Many of the initiatives have helped me to define new service offerings, create bundle offers, and develop new lead generation strategies. Highly recommended!

– V. Jauhal

Fantastic Program! Fiona Challis will guide you through a great sales and marketing process with the art of keeping things simple. I now have a process for my entire sales and marketing strategy. An investment with an immediate ROI! Highly recommend Fiona and her programs!

– P. Crooks

The program was excellent and very relevant to selling recurring revenue. Focusing on the outcome of what my clients achieve has resulted in me having much better relationships with them.

– L. Blunt

This is the most up to date and focused sales training that I have done in a long time

– R. Harrison

Fiona is a truly outstanding leader. Her energy, execution capability, creativity and self-motivation are outstanding.

– J. Perea

Fiona is an excellent leader, coach and motivator who is both driven and focussed and has a great passion for what she does. She is a good listener and is extremely adaptable with a great flair for business. With her bright and energetic personality, Fiona is extremely skilled at making being in business fun whilst getting the job done

– O. Smart

Fiona led by example. She was a force to be reckoned with and taught me so much. She is hungry and always pushing to bring out the best in me. She highlighted key principles to work by, many which I still use today and find very useful. She made me feel that I could achieve anything I put my mind to!

– S. Shine

Absolutely brilliant day! I’m completely changing the way we talk to existing and new clients around our offerings.  Would highly recommend any service-based business out there who are serious about growing their business to engage with you Fiona!

– J. Miller

Thank you, Fiona! It was a superb program and massively helped us to build our skills in attracting the right sort of clients for our business. Loved working with you on this!

– J. Fowler

Absolutely loved the sessions and how they built on each other. You’re a star Fiona and your programs are highly recommended!

– S. Belt

What a wonderful group! Fiona thanks for inviting me be part of your world. Kudos on putting together such a powerful programme!

– R Tubb

Fiona Challis cannot and does not give any guarantees on results or earnings with our information, courses, and programs. masterminds, master courses, coaching, plans, tools, or strategies.

You recognize and agree that nobody and nothing part of The Leaders & Legends brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations, or guarantees whatsoever to you about future results or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of Leaders & Legends programs, courses, training, masterclasses, master courses, or coaching, and that we have not authorized any such implication, promise, or representation by others. There are no guarantees of results or future earnings.

Leaders and Legends and Fiona Challis is, in no way, associated or in business with Facebook. This site is not sponsored by Facebook in any way. Facebook is a trademark of Facebook, Inc.